Contact us
Send us a message
If you need homelessness and housing support, mental health support, counselling or want to take part in our wellbeing activities call us on 01695 728391, fill in our form or come and see us at The Foyer (Head Office) or Ennerdale Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub. You can refer yourself or someone can do it for you.
Is your life at risk now?
If you feel suicidal or have harmed yourself the best way to get help is Call 999 and ask for an ambulance or go straight to A&E.
If you can’t do this ask someone to help you. Your mental health is important and the emergency services are there to help.
We provide help and support Monday-Friday 9-5.
Birchwood is a trading name for West Lancashire Crisis & Information Centre, a charity registered in England and Wales (1064270).
Head Office
Birchwood West Lancs Foyer
West Lancashire WN8 6QE
Tel: 01695 728391
Ennerdale Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub
Ennerdale House
192-198 Ennerdale
West Lancashire WN8 6AN
Tel: 01695 728391
I want to donate
Your donations help us to provide activities that enrich a person’s life, reduce social isolation and improve their health and well-being.
I have a complaint
If you have a complaint please fill in this form with more details and we’ll get back to you within 7 working days.